Introducing the Schulich-Woolf Rare Book Collection

Our first exhibition of the Schulich-Woolf Rare Book Collection is an introduction to the wealth and breadth of materials available. The items on display  are arranged topically by Travel and Exploration, Europe and the Middle East, Ancient History and Antiquities, English History and Chronicles, and English Topography and Antiquities. These are only some ways of dividing up the riches in the Schulich-Woolf Collection, and we hope our introduction whets your appetite to delve more deeply into its holdings. You will see chronologies, genealogies, biographies, books in Latin or non-English vernaculars, ecclesiastical histories, maps, and so on. Within each group, you will also see elements that relate more broadly to the history of publishing, illustration, and the book arts as represented in the collection. The Schulich-Woolf Collection includes many more examples of all these kinds of books, and some aspects of the Collection which definitely warrant attention are only hinted at: we hope this inspires you to further delve into the Collection by exploring the other items on this site.

This virtual exhibit mirrors and enhances our physical exhibit which opens November 23, 2016.


Alvan Bregman, Jillian Sparks, Anna Soper