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  • Tags: landscape

A 5% Perpetual Annuity for the Spanish Royal Treasury

Part Transcription: "Cinco Por Ciento Espan͠ol. Rentas Perpetuas, Pagaderas en Madrid, ó á eleccion del Portador, en Amsterdam, Londres, Paris, Bruselas, Turin. On͠ate, 6 de Febrero de 1836. El Consejaro de Estado, Comisario Regio de S.M. Catolica:…

A 5% Perpetual Annuity for the Spanish Royal Treasury

Part Transcription: "Cinco Por Ciento Espan͠ol. Rentas Perpetuas, Pagaderas en Madrid, ó á eleccion del Portador, en Amsterdam, Londres, Paris, Bruselas, ó Turin. ... On͠ate, 6 de Febrero de 1836. El Consejaro de Estado, Comisario Regio de S.M.…

Collection of engravings of castles and abbeys in England

Issued annually to total 14 parts of 24 plates each, each part having engraved cover sheet with contents, list of subscribers and advertisement Each part except the final one is dated on the subscribers list, and the date of the final part is taken…